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eylet では、物理カードの料金を一度だけお支払いいただきます。毎月のプラットフォーム料金やアプリ料金は一切かかりません。いかなる種類の追加料金もかかりません。


eylet では、物理カードに対して 1 回だけ支払います。毎月のプラットフォーム料金やアプリ料金は必要ありません。


電話カード v3 入門ガイド


色: チャコールブラック

  • アイレット デュアル パックには、ブラックとプリズムの 2 枚のカードが入っています。NFC 対応のデジタル名刺です。個人またはチームに最適なこの 2 パックで、無料のデジタル名刺プラットフォームであるアイレット チームの使用を開始できます。

    これらのプレミアム カードには、アイレット NFC テクノロジーが組み込まれており、即座に共有できるダイナミック QR コードが付いています。ブラックは、本物のブラックのプレミアム ポリビニル カードで、プリズムは詳細なマルチプロセス ホログラム印刷を使用して製造されています。

    アイレット カードを互換性のあるスマートフォンの背面にタップするか、背面の QR コードを使用して、次の情報を即座に共有できます。連絡先情報、ソーシャル メディア、PDF ファイル、埋め込みビデオ、Web サイト、支払いアプリ、60 を超えるさまざまなソーシャル ネットワークのカスタム リンクをすばやく共有できます。


  • すべての eylet 製品では、QR コードをスキャンできるスマートフォン (iPhone または Android) と情報を共有できます。すべての eylet デバイスには NFC 共有機能が組み込まれており、iPhone XR、XS、11、12、13、14 モデル、およびほとんどの Android にタップできます。

    *Android レシーバーでは、設定で NFC をオンにする必要があります。

    アプリ内の QR コードを使用して、任意のスマートフォンと共有することもできます。

    他の人が eylet アプリを持っている必要はありません。eylet は、電話の Web ブラウザーを使用して動作します。

  • ほとんどの商品はAmazonプライムで翌日配送でご利用いただけます。



電話カード v3 入門ガイド


色: チャコールブラック


eylet では、物理カードに対して 1 回だけ支払います。毎月のプラットフォーム料金やアプリ料金は必要ありません。


eylet では、物理カードの料金を一度だけお支払いいただきます。毎月のプラットフォーム料金やアプリ料金は一切かかりません。いかなる種類の追加料金もかかりません。

  • アイレット デュアル パックには、ブラックとプリズムの 2 枚のカードが入っています。NFC 対応のデジタル名刺です。個人またはチームに最適なこの 2 枚パックで、無料のデジタル名刺プラットフォームであるアイレット チームの使用を開始できます。


    これらのプレミアム カードには、アイレット NFC テクノロジーが組み込まれており、ダイナミック QR コードで即座に共有できます。ブラックは、本物のブラックのプレミアム ポリビニル カードで、プリズムは詳細なマルチプロセス ホログラム印刷を使用して製造されています。


    アイレット カードを互換性のあるスマートフォンの背面にタップするか、背面の QR コードを使用して、次の情報を即座に共有できます。

    連絡先情報、ソーシャル メディア、PDF ファイル、埋め込みビデオ、Web サイト、支払いアプリ、60 を超えるさまざまなソーシャル ネットワークのカスタム リンクをすばやく共有できます。



  • すべての eylet 製品では、QR コードをスキャンできるスマートフォン (iPhone または Android) と情報を共有できます。すべての eylet デバイスには NFC 共有機能が組み込まれており、iPhone XR、XS、11、12、13、14 モデル、およびほとんどの Android にタップできます。

    *Android レシーバーでは、設定で NFC をオンにする必要があります。

    アプリ内の QR コードを使用して、任意のスマートフォンと共有することもできます。

    他の人が eylet アプリを持っている必要はありません。eylet は、電話の Web ブラウザーを使用して動作します。

  • ほとんどの商品はAmazonプライムで翌日配送でご利用いただけます。





eylet teams
Digital Business Cards

Create, distribute, and manage digital business cards across your team for sharing important company info.

eylet teams
Lead Management

Collect 300% more leads than your industry standard. View, manage, and export team leads with one central contact book.

eylet teams
Report Management

Measure key KPIs, identify top performers, and learn the ins-and-outs of your team. Export your data at any time.

eylet teams
Value for Money
  • All Pro Features

  • App Access (Apple & Android)

  • Value Added Features(video embed)

  • Lowest Priced Cards

With eylet Only NO Subscription

How it Works?

eylet teams

eylet teams

Get onboard create your company profile and add your company team members through our free mobile app or dashboard

eylet teams

Once delivered, attach cards by scanning the QR code on your eylet cards to activate

eylet teams

Start adding links to your profile and sharing your info using your eylet cards

eylet teams

Digital Business Cards

Create, distribute, and manage digital business cards across your team for sharing important company info.

eylet teams

Value for Money

  • All Pro Features

  • App Access (Apple & Android)

  • Value Added Features(video embed)

  • Lowest Priced Cards

With eylet Only NO Subscription

eylet teams

Report Management

Measure key KPIs, identify top performers, and learn theins-and-outs of your team. Export your data at any time.

eylet teams

Lead Management

Collect 300% more leads than your industry standard. View, manage, and export teamleads with one central contact book.

eylet teams

Get onboard create your company profile and add your company team members through our free mobile app or dashboard.

eylet teams

Once delivered, attach cards by scanning the QR code on your eylet cards to activate

eylet teams

Start adding links to your profile and sharing your info using your eylet cards

eylet teams
  • Who is eylet?
    We are a Delaware, USA registered LLC company with a specialty focused on digital business cards. The provider of the only free digital business card platform for companies “eylet teams”. Our Mission is to reduce printed paper business cards to ZERO. Making a positive impact on the global environment is our core objective. We believe that in our mission objective, we must do no harm to existing companies who provide paper business cards. We have designed a solution for copy and print shops. Using our industry-first DIY self-print cards, copy and Print shops can become authorized sellers of eylet cards and can offer customized digital business cards to their clients as an alternative to paper cards. We also believe that packaging and waste materials must be kept to a minimum, eylet designed reusable card sleeves and zip lock bag to store and protect digital business cards during transport. Our packaging is designed to be re-used as a protective sleeve and card storage. Using eylet teams your business is making a positive impact, a real difference. Already eylet teams users have stopped printing thousands of paper business cards, the poisonous inks will not need to be manufactured, trees saved, and nature with all its wonderful wildlife preserved. We thank you for choosing eylet teams, the free digital card platform. Our registered office address is Eylet LLC, 8 The Green #5743, Dover, DE, 19901.
  • Does eylet require a subscription to use?
    No, we do not have any subscriptions or App fees. All features are enabled and ready to use. The eylet teams platform is the only team's digital business card service that does not charge any monthly fee.
  • How many teams or team members can I add?
    unlimited, you can create as many teams as you like such as Sales, Accounts, Customer Care, each with their own business card template. Add as many team members as you like there is no limit and there is no cost. 100% Free.
  • How can eylet team do this for free?
    We believe in replacing paper business cards with digital business cards. To do this we need to provide a better product at a lower cost. Thus no monthly fees or app fees making eylet teams a clear winner in both the use of technology and cost. We also believe that customers will benefit from physical NFC enabled cards and tags, custom designed cards with company logos. For this, we have designed a range of both eylet branded and DIY self-print cards. We also offer the service or custom made by eylet where we supply and make the cards for you.
  • I own a Copy & Print shop. Can I become an authorised seller of eylet products?
    Yes, we have a product for copy and print shops where you can custom print digital business cards for your clients and they will be 100% compatible with eylet teams free digital card platform. For more information see the products page for copy & print shops.
  • I have an ID card printer. Can I print my own digital business cards?
    Yes, using the eylet DIY self print pack you can print your custom design. The DIY cards are printed with a unique QR code on the back and are individually pre-programmed to work with eylet teams. A card design can be created using the free eylet card designer in landscape or portrait modes, once downloaded the front and back of the card files can be printed using any colour ID card printer. The cards are all CR80 USA / International standard size and printable in all colour ID card printers.
  • What NFC technology does eylet use?
    We partnered with NXP Technologies to use the NTAG 215 NFC chips. The NTAG 215 chips have 3x more memory then chips used by our competitors. The higher memory capacity lends itself to faster data transfer rates.
  • What is a Digital Business Card?
    A digital business card is a modern alternative to a paper business card. With all your contact information saved on a central platform. It can be easily shared via QR code, email text links, and NFC-enabled cards. Digital business cards allow more content to be added such as embedded videos, PDF documents, and multiple social and contact links. Digital business cards have a wow factor make a great impression and also enjoy a much higher contact rate than paper cards. The positive environmental impact of using digital business cards is also an important factor as compared to printing paper cards.
  • How does a digital business card work?
    A digital business card stores contact and social information on a central platform which can be viewed by clients on their mobile phones or computers. NFC enabled cards and tags allow you to share your link with a tap on the mobile phone. Clients can also scan the QR code or you can send a link to your business card page. Clients can save your contact details and also send back their contact information using the online form.
  • Why use digital business cards?
    One reason is cost eylet team is a Free digital business card platform so you can save money as compared to printing business cards. The other reasons are the positive environmental impact, no limit on the number of digital cards you can share as opposed to printed cards you have to keep buying. More information is shared, enjoy a high contact and exchange of information with digital cards over paper cards.
  • Why is eylet teams the best digital business card?
    eylet teams has everything you need and could want from a digital business card platform. Free, built for teams, Mobile apps, QR code sharing, cost effective NFC cards, custom cards, DIY cards, the feature list is impressive eylet also has excellent software and support included. Stop paying expensive monthly fees using eylet teams is free and powerful.
  • What phones does eylet work with?
    Almost all phones launched in the last 4 years have some NFC capability. However if NFC is not an option then using the phone's camera to scan the QR code works on almost every phone we have tested.
  • Does eylet offer custom-printed cards?
    Yes, you can choose one of our packages, listed in the card designer. We make cards, print and test. Most customers receive cards in 5 to 7 days from order.
  • Where do I buy the custom made by eylet cards?
    login to your eylet teams account and use the designer, after the design is made you can click the button to order custom made by eylet
  • Do I have to use the eylet card designer?
    No, you can make your design using any software such as Canva or Photoshop. For this we as you to schedule a call so we can go through the details of the design
  • Can I have different names and titles on the cards?
    Yes, you can add your names and titles or upload a text file in the custom made by eylet order form.
  • What is the warranty on the card?
    We offer a 3 year warranty on the NXP NFC chip.
  • Does eylet offer self printing DIY cards?
    Yes, we have a product called “DIY eylet cards” for people who wish to print their own cards using their own ID card printer or a local copy and print shop.
  • Where do I buy the DIY cards packs
  • What if I only need 3 cards now, can I keep the others for later?
    Yes, you can store any unused cards in the zip lock bag we provide.
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