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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { new ScrubVideoManager(); }); class ScrubVideoManager { constructor() { // Get a list of all scrub videos wrappers this.scrubVideoWrappers = document.querySelectorAll(".scrub-video-wrapper"); // Create the intersectionObserver const observer = new IntersectionObserver( this.intersectionObserverCallback, { threshold: 1 } ); // Add a pointer to the manager class so we can refer to it later observer.context = this; // Initialise empty cache of wrapper data this.scrubVideoWrappersData = []; this.scrubVideoWrappers.forEach((wrapper, index) => { // Attach observer observer.observe(wrapper.querySelector(".scrub-video-container")); // Give numerical index wrapper.setAttribute("data-scrub-video-index", index); // Store reference to video DOM element const video = wrapper.querySelector("video"); this.scrubVideoWrappersData[index] = { video: video }; // Force load video this.fetchVideo(video); }); // Store positions of all the wrapper elements this.updateWrapperPositions(); document.addEventListener("scroll", (event) => { this.handleScrollEvent(event); }); window.addEventListener("resize", () => { this.updateWrapperPositions(); }); } fetchVideo(videoElement) { const src = videoElement.getAttribute("src"); // Get the video fetch(src) .then((response) => response.blob()) .then((response) => { // Create a data url containing the video raw data const objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(response); // Attach the videoElement.setAttribute("src", objectURL); console.log("Finished loading " + src); }); } updateWrapperPositions() { // Get new positions of video wrappers this.scrubVideoWrappers.forEach((wrapper, index) => { const clientRect = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(); const top = clientRect.y + window.scrollY; const bottom = clientRect.bottom - window.innerHeight + window.scrollY; this.scrubVideoWrappersData[index].top = top; this.scrubVideoWrappersData[index].bottom = bottom; }); } intersectionObserverCallback(entries, observer) { entries.forEach((entry) => { const isWithinViewport = entry.intersectionRatio === 1; // Add class 'in-view' to element if // it is within the viewport"in-view", isWithinViewport); if (isWithinViewport) { observer.context.activeVideoWrapper = "data-scrub-video-index" ); } else { observer.context.activeVideoWrapper = null; } }); } handleScrollEvent = function (event) { // Is there are currently active video wrapper? if (this.activeVideoWrapper) { const activeWrapperData = this.scrubVideoWrappersData[ this.activeVideoWrapper ]; const top =; const bottom = activeWrapperData.bottom; const video =; const progress = Math.max( Math.min((window.scrollY - top) / (bottom - top), 0.998), 0 ); const seekTime = progress * video.duration; // console.log(`${lower} > ${window.scrollY} (${progress}) [${seekTime}] > ${upper}`); video.currentTime = seekTime; } }; }